donderdag 2 april 2020

Vegetable Garden Layout: Time To Compost

I am still planning our Vegetable Garden Layout for this Spring planting season so soon to be upon us and I was thinking about what I would need and realized now is the time to be making the compost. Now I know some of us do this all year round but some don’t and those who are just beginning might like some tips.

Related Post:Vegetable Garden Layout: Some Tips for a Healthy Crop

Compost helps to stabilise the soil in your garden, provides vital nutrients for your vegetables and other areas of the garden. It is also in line with our green organic credentials and helps with recycling.
The best way to make compost is to find a well aired area of your garden, somewhere away from the house as they can smell and attract insects and just start piling up the necessary material.

Usually we need what are referred to as greens and browns to get a nice mixture. On this I am a bit fussy and don’t use certain things which others will, I like my compost so I am going to tell you my Greens and Browns.

The Greens are grass cuttings, some flowers; I never put weeds in as they can seed if you are not careful, vegetable leftovers and tea Bags.

These go with my Browns which I start with old cardboard as the base and wrapper so to speak, and then I add egg shells tissue paper, light pruning leaves and any odd wood shavings. This then gets the magic ingredient of horse manure and is left to ferment and rot.

Now remember you should turn this as often as you can let the air in, I know it lets the smell out but it is worth it in the long run. Keep it nice and aired with the fork, you got to get the air in to do its work.
Starting now will give you nice compost for the autumn, you need to maybe break it up a little with your spade as it will not be all nice and broke down like the store bought stuff.

If you have a smaller garden and decide on a bin, these are usually well aired and reduce the need for turning etc.

Remember as you are adding to your pile all the time it won’t all mature at the same time so this should become a continuous process with you just taking off the stuff you need and leaving the rest to continue to mature. Don’t worry about making too much that’s where neighbours come in?

Read this comprehensive guide about backpack sprayer.

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