vrijdag 20 augustus 2021

How to Create Rock Gardens


Rock Gardens have several valuable uses. They can make use of a hillside, save time in a backyard or help to create a garden in an area that need a lot of soil improvement. So a rock garden can simplify a problem area in the yard quickly while adding beauty.

Rock gardens can also be used to stop soil erosion or cut back on weeds and time spent in the garden area. Once a rock garden is created it takes less time than most gardens. And one other benefit of a rock garden it that it can be quite small and still be very impressive. This makes a rock garden a perfect choice for the small space gardener.

Rock Gardens are not only made up of rocks. They contain garden plants, garden art and a variety or rock in different colors and sizes.

Rock Garden suggestions

You can do almost anything with a rock garden. A few suggestions would be to add plants, flowers, shrubs, trees, fountains, and even a fishpond. These selections are based on the size of the garden and on cost.

When adding plants or flowers you will need to arrange the flatter rocks around the plants or flowers to that they will help the flow or water to the roots of you plants and hold it at the roots. You can do this by arranging the rocks so they are partly in the dirt and partly layered onto the rows of rocks beside them.

Tip: When you plan out your garden try to make sure to leave room to be able to weed out the unwanted growth and to reach your plants to water them if needed. Create a rock garden with a sturdy fence

Rock Garden Design Ideas

Water fountains and birdbaths add interest to your rock garden. It’s also interesting to watch the birds and see which birds come to your backyard retreat.

Waterfalls also add to your garden and are soothing. They will also drown out neighborhood noise, which is a benefit if you live in a town or city.

If you are making a sizable garden design you will good pathways for people to follow and places for people to sit and look or relax.

Garden art tucked in your rock garden will add interest and the element of surprise.
Rock gardens will add a different look to your backyard and can often be used in hard to grow areas. They can also make use of small corners that has been overlooked before in backyard design.

maandag 6 april 2020

Vegetable Garden Layout: Some Tips for a Healthy Crop

We have discussed the planning of our Vegetable Garden Layout in a number of posts and articles and as we all know it does not require as much time and effort as you might have first thought. The real key is in the planning, good planning makes for good planting makes for a good healthy crop of vegetables.

1. Location Of Your Plot

Try and get the morning sun for your vegetable crop, away from wind if possible. Remember if you plant tress they will take a lot of the water and food away from your plants so if planning or needing a windbreak, try something less evasive, some peas for example.

2. Preparation

Make sure you have got rid of any weeds, get the roots and make sure they are gone, this is very easy in containers but still necessary. Once the weeds are gone check the ph level of your soil and make sure it is suitable for the crop you have chosen. If you need to put in some nutrients make sure you leave adequate time for this to settle and mix prior to planting.

Related Post: Vegetable Garden Layout: Time To Compost.

3. What Vegetables To Plant

You should of course have planned your crop, checked the climate checked the planting season etc. If you have managed a plan which involves rotation to allow a couple of good crops this will be ideal.

4. Upkeep

When you are planting stick to your plan, resist the temptation to make last minute adjustments as these can have hidden knock on effects. Plant your crop to run north to south this will allow your vegetables to get more sunlight while limiting the quantity of shade. Keep your water levels right, not too much not too little.

If you have constructed a good plan for your Vegetable Garden Layout  and stick to it you should end up with a healthy crop. It is very satisfying to sit down and eat the fruits of your own labor and of course know you are getting good healthy vegetable at next to no cost.

Click here to read sprayer buying guide for your vegetable garden.

donderdag 2 april 2020

Vegetable Garden Layout: Time To Compost

I am still planning our Vegetable Garden Layout for this Spring planting season so soon to be upon us and I was thinking about what I would need and realized now is the time to be making the compost. Now I know some of us do this all year round but some don’t and those who are just beginning might like some tips.

Related Post:Vegetable Garden Layout: Some Tips for a Healthy Crop

Compost helps to stabilise the soil in your garden, provides vital nutrients for your vegetables and other areas of the garden. It is also in line with our green organic credentials and helps with recycling.
The best way to make compost is to find a well aired area of your garden, somewhere away from the house as they can smell and attract insects and just start piling up the necessary material.

Usually we need what are referred to as greens and browns to get a nice mixture. On this I am a bit fussy and don’t use certain things which others will, I like my compost so I am going to tell you my Greens and Browns.

The Greens are grass cuttings, some flowers; I never put weeds in as they can seed if you are not careful, vegetable leftovers and tea Bags.

These go with my Browns which I start with old cardboard as the base and wrapper so to speak, and then I add egg shells tissue paper, light pruning leaves and any odd wood shavings. This then gets the magic ingredient of horse manure and is left to ferment and rot.

Now remember you should turn this as often as you can let the air in, I know it lets the smell out but it is worth it in the long run. Keep it nice and aired with the fork, you got to get the air in to do its work.
Starting now will give you nice compost for the autumn, you need to maybe break it up a little with your spade as it will not be all nice and broke down like the store bought stuff.

If you have a smaller garden and decide on a bin, these are usually well aired and reduce the need for turning etc.

Remember as you are adding to your pile all the time it won’t all mature at the same time so this should become a continuous process with you just taking off the stuff you need and leaving the rest to continue to mature. Don’t worry about making too much that’s where neighbours come in?

Read this comprehensive guide about backpack sprayer.

zaterdag 7 maart 2020

Vegetable Garden Layout: The Other Bits

Most of us will have some of our garden which is not laid out for vegetables and which might just be lawn. The front garden is certainly one which springs to mind, so I though this article might be useful for those of us who need to re lay the lawn.

It’s not as complicated as you might think, with a good bit of planning and preparation which includes selecting the right seed etc we should all be able to achieve a good result.

Now where you live will determine the right type of seed for your climate so just check the box or the specifications on line and make sure you get one for your climate. Should you think you require professional tips before choosing the kind of grass seed you need. You can visit the national grass type grass review centre on the net they research all variety and types of grass and provide you with cost-free info on which the very best type of grass will be for your location.

We are looking at spring for planting our new seed, you can do it in the fall but should avoid the heat of the summer, at this time we should be planning our spring activities and leaving fall to harvest our vegetables.

To start turn over the earth along with raking it to remove any kind of boulders and also large lumps, ensure that raked earth is around 3″ to 4″ deep this is all you need in order to plant your grass seed. You need to ensure that you distribute the seed equally over the earth to provide you a regular growth, I find this very difficult with birds etc but if you keep a close eye on the seed you can top up any patches.

Rake in the brand new seed to about 1/4″ deep; this is a good level to get grass seeds that will germinate. As soon as the actual seed is actually planted you have to program your watering schedule, you need to begin by lightly watering your lawn seeds two times per day until finally your grass has come up throughout the soil.

Once the actual grass is definitely beginning to appear from the dirt make sure you start to water every two to three days, your lawn grows up much faster when it’s held moist regularly. Investing in a starter fertilizer for your grass is a smart investment decision, this will assist the actual seeds to germinate and have the lawn established more rapidly.

First cut should never be until you have reached at least 3″ to 4″ high, this gives the root system time period to get set up just before being forced to take the pressure connected with cutting.

Related Post:

maandag 24 februari 2020

Garden Patterns and Design

The concept of design and patterns in your garden is not new, some of the old Mansion houses of the south laid out complex gardens which were copies of the great houses of Europe with their gardens laid out in complex and beautiful patterns.

Most of these gardens were designed by professional landscape gardens often at enormous costs and for the most part were all about reputation and of course showing off just how rich and powerful you were.Now we can do just the same with our vegetable garden layout.

For my part I believe it should be done because you want to do it and done by yourself. This way it has great personal meaning to you and may make the time in the garden even more enjoyable.

It was once said that “A garden is a mirror of the mind,” certainly if the concept and design is your own then it will be, no harm in researching those famous garden for ideas and stimulation however.

All aspects of the garden must be considered as part of the design, this is most important in the smaller gardens as obviously all will be on show at the same time.

The entrance gate the paving slab all should be given some consideration, now we can’t often move these nor change them so we should try to ensure that they fit into the pattern or in other words make the pattern fit round those aspects of the garden we cannot change.

Another consideration has to be the seasons; all gardens look different during different seasons so make sure that the patterns will always fit the look.

Hope this gives you some inspiration to look at your vegetable garden layout in another way.